Helpful Hints

How to use the Excalibur Club Stand

The Excalibur Club Stand can be useful in several places around most golf courses. It can be useful around the green, on cart path-only fairways or around practice areas. The stand can accommodate several clubs at a time.


Setting the Club Stand

Use the handle end of the club stand to push the forked yellow bronze tip into the turf ( grass with a root bed under it ) at the edge of or around the green, preferably not on the green. The key element here is the turf. Whether you are in a fairway or around the green, finding grass with good roots underneath will always make deployment easier. Sun dried bare ground or clay might challenge both the user and the club stand. Push the stand into the turf all the way to the ferrule ( that black trim ring just above the bronze tip ). The best way to do this is to hold the handle in the palm of your hand and using a straight arm, lean on the handle to push the tip into the turf. Usually this is a very easy task to perform. Again, it will depend on the condition of the turf and soil. Keeping the club stand straight upright as much a possible while pushing the tip into the turf is also helpful.

Holding Clubs

Simply lean your clubs ( up to 3 at a time ) so that they rest in the concave curve of the club stand handle. The best way to stand the clubs is with the club heads resting on the ground about four to six inches from the bottom fork of the club stand.



Repairing Ball Marks

The forked tip at the end of the club stand can be used to repair ball marks on the green. It is used in the same way as a traditional ball mark tool, and has the added benefit of eliminating the need to bend over.

Tamping the Putting Surface

Once the ball mark has been repaired, the handle of the club stand can be used to tamp down the putting surface, leaving a smooth green for golfers behind you.
